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Wednesday 12 January 2011

It's been an odd day...
Last evening it snowed. I looked out my window before going to bed, and everything outside glistened in the falling snow. It looked really lovely, perhaps giving a false illusion of softness in the world, perhaps not.
I pulled the curtains and climbed into bed drifting into sleep with only the sounds of the ticking of the clock, which I have grown to love, and the muffled snoring from my beloved dog Molly.
I expected the next morning to be filled with shovelling the side walk. I'm lucky because I have a corner house which means I have twice as much to shovel as my next door neighbour, and it's even more fun for me, than him next door who actually owns a snow shovel, me just making do with a garden one!
Moving quietly about the house, putting on the kettle, slowly waking up every corner of Little House. Opening the curtains to welcome the day I looked outside to see that all the snow had melted. I had to pause as I wasn't quite sure if it made me happy or not. There's something wonderful about a snowy day when where you live doesn't see much snow, it brings about a gratefulness for having a warm home to retreat in. A knowing that you can go at a slower pace and blame it on the snow.
After coffee and feeding Molly, tending to the light household chores of bed making and tidying, Molly and I are ready for our morning walk before settling into the real work for the day. I walk about 5km each morning and evening, usually going about the same route.
No matter that it's the same route it looks different every day, depending on the colour of the sky and it's reflection in the ocean's water, and different people with their dogs greet me depending on the time of the day we are out for the walk.
Today was clear, and the Olympic Range Mountains were visible, grey and stark against the oceans waves. It was a bit of a struggle walking into the wind, but Molly didn't care she made fun of it running after every leaf being blown here and there. On our return to home I decided to cross over a large part of the open grass to a road leading to my street. Not far ahead I could see something, it looked like a pile of abandoned clothes left in a heap. Now standing only a few feet away I could see the pile had two bare legs sticking out at an awkward angle. Moving even closer a head appeared face down into the ground, nothing moved.
I started to feel a little queasy. I looked around for someone else to come to help me, not wanting to go nearer and not wanting to leave. I knew I couldn't just walk away. The clothes and legs belonged to what looked like a young woman. Still no movement.
Just as I received the courage to go even closer two women walking on a path just ahead came into view. I walked over to them and asked if they had a cell phone on them and would they come with me and see if they could help this woman.
They agreed. We all walked over together and just as we got about one foot away, up popped this girls head, she looked at us and said as she lifted her hand and pointed to my Molly..."That dog knows my pain...that's why she's here, she knows my pain".
Well at least she was alive I thought!
She then sat up and blew kisses to my dog. I asked her if she was ok, and did she need any help, or could I call someone to come and pick her up. She didn't respond to any of my questions, just kept blowing kisses to Molly. Molly liked it, her tail wagging all the time, pulling at the end of the leash, eager to run over to this total stranger.
The three of us looked at each and decided she wasn't hurting herself or anyone else so best just let her be, to leave her there in the grass until whatever it was that she was high on would wear off.
Walking away I decided that I would come back in an hour and check on her, just to make sure she hadn't completely passed out.
I had only gone a few steps when an elderly lady approached me and told me she had called the police. I took a look back to see the girl had now fallen on her back with her two bare legs sticking straight up in the air!
Oh Lord...thank goodness the boys in blue were on the way.
The things they have to deal with!
God bless 'em.

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